ارزیابی طرح مدیریت ناحیه‌محوری مبتنی بر معیارهای شهرداری الکترونیک با مدل ویکور (مطالعۀ موردی: منطقۀ 6 و 15 شهرداری تهران)

نوع مقاله : پژوهشی - کاربردی


1 دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشکدۀ علوم جغرافیایی و برنامه ریزی، دانشگاه اصفهان

2 استاد جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی، دانشکدۀ علوم جغرافیایی و برنامه‌ریزی، دانشگاه اصفهان

3 استادیار جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی، دانشکدۀ جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران


در سال‌های اخیر، شهرداری تهران به تهیه و اجرای طرح‌هایی در ابعاد محله و ناحیه پرداخته است تا امکانات شهری راحت‌تر در اختیار شهروندان قرار بگیرد. یکی از مهم‌ترین این طرح‌ها، طرح مدیریت ناحیه‌محوری شهرداری تهران است. زمانی که این طرح اجرا شد (1387)، استقرار شهرداری الکترونیک از اهداف آن بود. درواقع ناحیه‌محوری مهم‌ترین طرح مدیریت پایین به بالا، تمرکززدا و مشارکتی است که برای رفع نابسامانی‌ها و مشکلات توسعة اجتماعی و فضایی شهر تهران طرح‌ریزی شد. هدف مقالة کاربردی حاضر ارزیابی طرح مدیریت ناحیه‌محوری مبتنی بر معیارهای شهرداری الکترونیک با مدل ویکور است. در تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌های پژوهش به‌منظور شناسایی شاخص‌های مهم از روش دلفی فازی و نظر خبرگان استفاده شد. سپس بررسی شاخص‌های پژوهش از نظر اهمیت و تأثیر، به‌کمک تحلیل مسیر و تحلیل عاملی تأییدی و معادلات ساختاری صورت گرفت و مدل مفهومی این مقاله ارائه شد. با استفاده از مدل ویکور، نواحی شهرداری مناطق 6 و 15 از نظر شاخص‌های پژوهش رتبه‌بندی و مقایسه شدند. تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها در نرم‌افزارهای آماری SPSS، SPLS و ترسیم نقشه‌ها در نرم‌افزار ArcMap صورت گرفت. نتایج تحلیل براساس مدل ویکور نشان می‌دهد وضعیت نواحی منطقة 6 از منطقة 15 بهتر است و بالاترین رتبه‌ها برای نواحی 1 و 5 شهرداری منطقة 6 با امتیاز Q 957/0 و 1000 است. همچنین با استفاده از SPLS در این پژوهش، برازش مناسب مدل‌های اندازه‌گیری در سطح نمونة مورد مطالعه تأیید شد؛ بنابراین پیشنهاد می‌شود به‌منظور ارتقای یکسان همة ابعاد (منابع انسانی، اقتصادی، جغرافیایی و...) مدیریت همه‌جانبة شهرداری ناحیه عملی شود که تحقق این مهم مستلزم تعاملات دائمی، کارآمد و مستمر با نهادهای بالادستی و پایین‌دستی است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Evaluation of a Region-Based Management Plan Based on the Electronic Municipality Criteria with Vikor Model (Case Study: Districts 6 and 15, Tehran Municipality)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Leila Aghaei 1
  • Hamid Reza Varesi 2
  • Saeed Zanganeh Shahraki 3
1 PhD Candidate in Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography Science and Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2 Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
3 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Urban planners have recently paid much attention to the preparation and implementation of certain projects on neighborhood and region scales to make urban facilities available to all citizens in urban spaces. One of the most important projects is the region-based plan. The main objective of this plan is to achieve fast and easy services and easier access of citizens to municipal services. As a matter of fact, if an area-based plan approved by the municipality is favorable enough and correctly implemented, e-municipality will be effectively established. As for Iran, this plan was operationalized in the municipality of Tehran in 1952. Tehran municipality tried to implement the plan for the efficient management of the newly emerging metropolis of Tehran and the improvement of services given to Tehran residents.
In recent decades, various urban plans have been provided to develop the metropolitan regions of Tehran, but they have not been evaluated by the corresponding organizations. In fact, after an urban plan is implemented, it is better to evaluate the plan based on proper criteria. It is clear that various types of urban planning have a great impact on different aspects of public lives, including income, employment, well-being, housing, health, education, social relationships, comfort, environment, personal security, and peace. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate urban plans based on appropriate indicators.
Urbanization is occurring rapidly throughout the world, and soon the dominant model of human habitation will be performed in urban life. The increasing urbanization has many consequences, including an increase in the number of cities, population of cities, urban population of a country or a region, and the physical-spatial surface occupied in cities. In fact, the physical expansion of cities, which is nowadays significant in academic research, is gaining increasing importance due to its effects on other aspects of life and leading to stability or instability. These problems associated with the growth of urbanization in Iranian cities, especially in a metropolis like Tehran, have had undesirable consequences.  The objective of the study is to evaluate the area-based plan based on the criteria of the electronic municipality.
In the analysis section, Fuzzy Delphi method and expert opinion were used to identify the important indicators. Using the path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations, the research indices were analyzed in terms of importance and impact. Using the VIKOR decision-making technique, the areas of districts 6 and 15 were ranked in terms of the area-based plan and e-municipality management indicators. The statistical population of the study is consisted of two statistical societies. The first statistical population is 8 members of the Department of Information and Communication Technology of the Municipality, which have 5 to 15 years of experience in the field of ICT and are employed in management positions. The statistical population of the second part is the employees working in the specialized units of the districts of 6 and 15. In this study, the sample size was determined based on the Kurdish and Morgan tables with a 95% confidence level and a margin error of 5% with a population of 700 people, equivalent to 248 people in the area. Data were analyzed using SPSS, SPLS software and the maps were produced by ArcMap Geographic Information System (GIS).  
Result and discussion
Based on the leveling of the areas based on the Viktor model, the status of the area of the district 6 is better than that of district 15, because the two regions 1 and 5 of this region are ranked 1 and 2 and have a very high score among all districts. Three districts of 3, 2, and 6 have an average score and only one score is too low. The Municipality of District 15 has three upper and lower boundaries (1.6 and 8), an average area of 3, three lower zones (5, 2 and 4) and a very low area. 
The analytic study of such variables as human, social, cultural, hardware, and software aspects as well as geographic and spatial resources indicated that they can influence area-based management plan implemented based on e-municipality criteria. There were, indeed, positive significant relationships found between them. However, there was no significant relationship in the case of the economic aspect. Since one of the most important objectives of urban plans is to provide high-quality services to citizens, it is recommended to establish continual appointments between managers and citizens so as for managers to get acquainted with citizens' views on the improvement of affairs. As the results of the impact of the area-based plan on the electronic municipally show, it can be concluded that in order to influence the design in all the criteria, it should be done to change the attitudes of managers and experts towards the design of the area-based plan, so that the main concern of all employees is the effort. In order to achieve the policies and objectives of the plan according to the current needs of citizens, it is necessary to know and to try to improve these attitudes. This will encourage executives and professionals to gain the goals.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • area-based management
  • electronic city
  • electronic municipality
  • Vikor Model
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