Assessment of Urban Development Plan of Imamzadeh-Zeinab Shrine in Isfahan Before Implementation in Order to Prevent and Solve Possible Problems

Document Type : Research article


1 Urban Planning and Design Department, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Urban Planning Department, Art University of Isfahan


The experience of failure and high risk of mega-projects especially in decayed areas increased the importance of risk assessment prior to its implementation. One of the projects is the development of Imamzadeh-Zeinab shrine in Isfahan. It covers an area of about 19 hectares with the aim of recreating, creating an urban square and compensating for the shortage of per-capita . The purpose of this paper is to risk assess of urban development plan of Imamzadeh-Zeinab shrine in isfahan using failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMEA) technique. In this regard, a mixed methodology paradigm has been used (the combination between case study research method and the non-experimental research method). At the same time, data collection was done through documentary, content analysis and field study method. In addition, the obtained data were analyzed through the failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMEA) technique and with the help of Delphi Group. Finally, the relevant problems were identified and prioritized based on the priority estimation index. The results show that the urban space of the Imamzadeh-Zeinab shrine in the physical and security component has the minimum and maximum distance to the ideal urban space, respectively. Also, within the security component, it has the most possible problems in the field of space, lighting and social surveillance, respectively, which can be an obstacle to creating a presentable, dynamic and usable space for all individuals and age groups. For this aim, solutions have been proposed to minimize these problems before the implementation of the plan.


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