Modernity and its impact on women identifying in urban public spaces; Case Study: El Goli Park (Tabriz)

Document Type : Research article


1 M.A in Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Department of Urban Planning. Arak, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch, Department of Urban Planning.


If we define modernity the lifestyle of today's new and modern society, which is replaced instead of old life style and rejects it, it is never achievable because of its continuous transformation and always flees from humans. In the course of its history, it has faced with reshaping of cities and urbanization and the emergence of new social institutions, attendance of people in different areas and the formation of legal system. Modernity has changed all aspects of life in the world, especially in Third World countries such as Iran. Presence of women in urban public places is one of the main deformations in Iran’s cities.The purpose of this paper is to investigate the formed changes in municipal public areas which are realm of modernity, to accept women. Urban parks which are one the most modern urban spaces and are results of modernity are selected for this analysis/research. In this paper, it is emphasized on civil and structural changes in the society and also on the choice of being in the public areas. In other words, the emergence of modern institutions such as universities and educational institutes, and women entering the labor market, their presence in the public areas is largely inevitable. But these are not the only inevitable causes of the widespread presence of women in the urban public spaces, the city is. But a change in customs, interests, behavior and lifestyle also has a huge impact on the present.


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