foresight housing planning low-income groups with approach scenario writing (Case Study :metropolis Tabriz)

Document Type : Research article


1 Professor Geography and urban planning, University of tabriz Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Geography and urban planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, iran


This study for the future condition of housing planning of low-income groups of Tabriz metropolis using the principles of normative paradigm and modern future studies. In terms of the goal, this study is applied-developmental and in terms of nature, it is descriptive-analytical. For writing the theoretical principles, library method has been used and for collecting the needed data, Delphi technique has been utilized. The goal of this study is to identify the probable and possible scenarios and eventually the desirable scenarios for the future condition of the system. On this basis, a number of 13 key factors which are effective on the future condition of the system were extracted from the total 59 initial effective factors using the method of Cross Impact Analysis and also by utilizing MICMAC software. Moreover, for identifying the desirable scenarios, a number of 51 probable conditions were designed for the key factors and by forming the 51×51 matrix, the occurrence effect rate of each condition on the occurring or not occurring of other conditions was evaluated by experts. Then, by using the Scenario wizard software, 3 strong scenarios, 12 scenarios by high probability, and 270 weak scenarios were extracted and at the end, the scenarios by high probability were examined in this study. result of this study indicates that 13 key factors are the main and effective actors on the future condition of housing planning of low-income groups of Tabriz metropolis .


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