The effect of Social Pathology on Livability in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Shahindej

Document Type : Research article


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning Payam Noor University

2 geography

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Over the recent years, social pathology in urban areas has attracted increasing attention affecting the quantity and quality of livability. As a small city, Shahindej has faced social harms, thereby making this study of a special significance. To this end, the current study endeavors to explore the impact and effectiveness of social pathology on the livability in Shahindej city. The type of study is applied, employing a descriptive-analytic research method. Based on the citizens' views, the results of the study reveal that the majority of the investigated indexes are below three and the livability status in the city under investigation is not satisfactory. The results obtained through Fuzzy Dematel, from the viewpoints of experts and urban planners, indicate that the three most important social pathology indexes include unemployment (4.93), alienation and social non-identity (4.64) and inefficient administration (4.57), respectively and play a major role in reducing the livability in Shahindej. Hence, the research findings in the causal section reveal that inadequate income, social inequality and unemployment are ranked among the top factors indicating their effectiveness on the livability of urban areas and the resulting indexes. As to the effect section, the results indicate that the inadequate hygiene and health facilities are among the most influential indexes affected by the causal factors. To make the research translational and improve the livability standard, the authors conclude by offering certain courses of action to alleviate social pathology.


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