A pattern for optimal urban zoning in Iran (Case study: Rasht)

Document Type : Research article


1 M. A , Geography and Urban Planning, University of Guilan

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Guilan,

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Department of Geography, University of Guilan,


The multiplicity of existing organizations along with the type of administrative system of the country has caused the administration of cities in Iran not to be done by one organization. On the other hand, in order to facilitate the performance and service, as well as the full coverage of the area under their management, each of these organizations, using the instructions of their superior organization, perform administrative zoning. The present study was conducted to investigate the situation of urban zoning and provide an optimal zoning model for integrated urban management in Rasht. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical which has been performed using statistical and geostatistical methods. The results of the status quo of administrative zones which are under supervision of five organizations (municipality, water and sewage and telecommunications Depts. electric and gas) indicate their random and heterogeneous zoning. The Spearman test confirms the direct relationship between the extent of the areas and number of their interferences as well as the overlapped administrative area and distances from the city center. It was also found that the indicators used by organizations are not suitable for zoning. While the proposed population density index has an acceptable autocorrelation coefficient in the proposed optimal areas, the proposed areas are more balanced and homogeneous in terms of geometric shape and population covered. Also, the evaluation of the degree of interference of the proposed administrative areas indicates the existence of nine overlapping areas without the intersection of the border between the proposed areas.


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