Explaining the importance of place quality in urban regeneration with a futures studies approach, The case study on District 10 of Tehran

Document Type : Research article


Department of Human Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


One of these issues is the dysfunctional urban blighted, which has made life in such places difficult. Recreating a new approach to producing a space organization to create or renew urban relationships. The issue of the quality of urban spaces is one of the main axes in urban planning and management. The purpose of this study is futurism in relation to the quality of urban spaces with respect to aspects of urban regeneration in District 10 of Tehran. Findings showed that the factors of mobility, vitality, and dynamism (memory), satisfaction with the diversity of product offerings (diversity of economic activities), significant relationship between the establishment of different uses, the degree of natural supervision, cultural, physical, readability, location Suitable for lighting lights, the presence of fame and prestige of leisure spaces, the aesthetics of the building and the architectural style of existing buildings and the existence of study spaces are the most important factors in the quality of space for urban regeneration in District 10 of Tehran. In order to research the quality of a place with a regenerative approach, it is necessary to prevent the movement towards possible situations that have unfavorable conditions by performing proper planning and management of regional development plans and programs, and to take measures to provide the conditions for rising to desirable situations. We will see the implementation of scenarios that express the spring of the quality of urban spaces in the urban spaces of the study area.


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