Analysis of determinants of urban resilience to water crisis in small cities: The case of Kabudarahang City

Document Type : Research article


1 Department of Human Geography and Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



Climate change, characterized by reduced precipitation, elevated temperatures, recurrent droughts, and a burgeoning population coupled with imbalanced groundwater utilization, has precipitated severe water crises in urban environments. Kabudarahang City, situated in Hamadan province, exemplifies this challenge, grappling with a critical water shortage exacerbated by excessive groundwater extraction, the operational demands of the Moftah hydroelectric power plant, and inefficacious water management practices. This research investigates the determinants of urban resilience in Kabudarahang amidst escalating water scarcity, considering its implications for agricultural, industrial, and domestic water consumption. For this purpose, a questionnaire-based survey was administered to city residents, and structural equation modeling was employed to identify critical causal pathways. Findings reveal that the root cause of the water crisis in the study area is attributable to the mismanagement and inadequate planning associated with the establishment of the Shahid Moftah power plant on the Kabudarahang plain. Moreover, the study underscores the significance of economic, physical, institutional, social, environmental, and psychological factors in influencing urban resilience. Specifically, economic illiteracy, rapid urbanization and technological advancements, organizational deficiencies in water consumption, sourcing, and distribution, a deficit in public awareness, unsustainable groundwater exploitation, and a prevailing sense of despair among residents emerged as key challenges.
Extended Abstract
Mismanagement of surface and groundwater resources has precipitated water crises with far-reaching social, economic, and political implications. Iran, characterized by an arid climate with an average rainfall of less than a third of the global mean, is particularly vulnerable. Consequently, the country grapples with a severe water crisis and its attendant consequences. The concept of urban resilience has emerged as a promising strategy for mitigating the impacts of such crises. Originating in ecological studies focused on environmental disturbances, the notion of urban resilience has been adapted to examine the capacity of cities to withstand shocks. This research investigates the determinants of urban resilience in Kabudarahang City, Hamadan Province, amidst a deepening water crisis. By examining residents’ resilience to water scarcity, this study aims to identify the key dimensions of resilience and their role in enhancing community adaptability. Ultimately, this research seeks to understand how social, institutional, physical, economic, environmental, and psychological factors contribute to overall social resilience in small towns facing water crises.
This research employed a two-phase methodology. The initial phase focused on identifying and prioritizing components influencing urban resilience against water crises in Kabudarahang City. A comprehensive literature review and theoretical framework underpinned the extraction of six key components: a) economic, social, environmental, physical, institutional, and psychological. Each component was further delineated into sub-components, operationalized through a Likert scale questionnaire. b) In the subsequent phase, data collected from respondents were analyzed using SPSS. Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to assess the relationships among the identified components. The relative importance of sub-components within each primary component was determined through independent sample t-tests.
Results and discussion
The study population primarily comprised educated, employed males with long-term residency (over 20 years) and a high degree of civic engagement. Given this profile, all six dimensions of urban resilience were examined.
In the economic dimension, economic awareness, business livelihood diversity, and economic damage positively correlated with resilience. The physical dimension was influenced by civil development, urban infrastructure, and land-use change. Institutional resilience was positively associated with effective monitoring of unauthorized wells, efficient organizational management, robust inter-agency communication, and participatory water resource management. Social resilience was linked to effective public information dissemination, a sense of responsibility, social cohesion, trust, and appropriate agricultural training. Environmental resilience was negatively impacted by excessive groundwater extraction, pollution from the Shahid Muftah power plant and sewage systems, soil type, land degradation, and inadequate sanitation. Finally, a strong sense of belonging positively influenced psychological resilience, mitigating pessimism about the future.
Kabudarahang City is facing a severe water crisis due to a combination of factors, including climate change, population growth, and mismanagement. The construction of the Shahid Moftah Power Plant has exacerbated the situation, leading to increased water demand and public blame for the formation of sinkholes. The research focuses on strategies to enhance urban resilience to water scarcity. Key recommendations include: a) Improving water management: Implementing stricter regulations on groundwater extraction, encouraging efficient water use in agriculture, industry, and households, and establishing incentive and penalty systems. b) Strengthening institutional capacity: Empowering government agencies to enforce regulations, fostering collaboration between the public and government, and creating post-flood expert groups. c) Raising public awareness: Educating the public about the consequences of water scarcity, promoting social responsibility, and disseminating information about successful water management practices in neighboring areas. d) Diversifying livelihoods: Encouraging job changes and entrepreneurship to reduce reliance on water-intensive activities, particularly in agriculture.
Overall, the research emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to address the water crisis in Kabudarahang, involving both government intervention and community engagement.
Key components influencing urban resilience against water crises include economic, social, environmental, physical, institutional, and psychological factors. While the institutional component theoretically holds significant potential, its practical implementation is notably deficient. This, in conjunction with other factors, has contributed to elevated levels of migration and a pervasive sense of despair among residents (psychological component). Moreover, despite a high level of public awareness regarding the water crisis, its integration into daily life and livelihood remains limited, except in instances of compulsion. This discrepancy warrants further investigation in subsequent research.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
 We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


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